Join me live Tuesday April 26th, for an internet talk radio show, Family Caregivers Unite! with Dr. Gordon Atherley on my favourite topic – natural, everyday, loving care inspired by ties of kinship, neighbourliness and friendship. Our discussion will focus on: Passionate Amateurs as Inspired Innovators in Family Caregiving.
NOTE: The Podcast of this program is available here.
Tuesday April 26th 10:00 PDT (13:00 EDT)
Family Caregivers Unite! is a passionate boost for the growing recognition of the role of family caregivers in today’s healthcare system.
Family caregivers are the people who provide care to partners, parents, children, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, neighbors and even co-workers. They are the people who provide care when everyone else has gone home. They are the coordinators of care, the managers of appointments, the preventers of loneliness, and the supporters and sometimes makers of tough decisions.
Dr. Atherley is an award winning doctor, academic and author based in Ottawa. Since retirement he has become a full time activist who "urges family caregivers to unite because, more and more, it’s not just their families who depend on them, it’s also the healthcare system as a whole, as it struggles to meet more and more needs of more and more people."
If you miss the livecast a recording will be available within a few days.
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