The capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest meaning and significance.
Pablo Casals
The slide-deck for my webinar, Natural Care – It’s In our Nature, is now available on line.
I offer some definitions.
Natural freely given care is the backbone of our society. Natural care is a fact of everyday life for everyone. Either as family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, members of networks or community we take care of our children, people with chronic illness, disability, mental illness, people with health challenges, people down on their luck, people in crisis or the victim of a catastrophe, people who are ageing and infirm as well as their caregivers. (BC Advisory Council on Social Entrepreneurship)
some research…
Unpaid family caregiving has become a key component of Canada’s publicly-funded health and social care system. Home care could not exist in Canada without the support of informal networks and caregivers. (Canadian Centre for Elder Law)
the 80/20 proposition…
The four million family caregivers of ailing parents and relatives with severe disabilities provide more than 80 per cent of care in this country. Most are women – and we face unique pressures. (Sherri Torjman)
some stats…
a reasonably conservative estimate of the imputed economic contribution of unpaid caregivers for Canada for 2009 would be $25-$26 billion. (Neena Chappell)
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